
Techland Roundup The Daily Dose; Nerd News 10 14 10 - Techland - TIME.com

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Related Tags: daily dinosaur!, true blood, nerdy want, daily dose, Quote of the Day

Thursday, October 14, 2010 -
Quote To Live By:

"You cannot check me out like a library book!" - Sookie from True Blood

Up Front:

True Blood Author Charlaine Harris Gets Another Show, This Time About Detectives and Ghosts [io9 via?Variety]


How To Use Foursquare To Get A Girlfriend, Christmas Presents, And Free Things [Guest of a Guest]

Inside The Bidding Wars Behind Online Search Words [Business Insider]

New MobileMe Calendar. Now Available to All Members. [Apple]


World of Warcraft Cataclysm MMO Gaming Mouse Announced [Steel Series]

Best One Button Games Online [Casual Girl Gamer]

Rumor: Final Fantasy XIV Draws a $26 Million Ragequit [Massively]

Pirates of the Caribbean Game Canned as Layoffs Hit Propaganda Confirmed [Kotaku]


Create Your Own Lego Stephen Hawking [Ochre Jelly]

Nathan Fillion launches Twitter campaign to star in?Uncharted: Drake's Fortune [AV Club]

Movie Projector: Bruce Willis gunning for Johnny Knoxville as 'Red' opens against 'Jackass 3-D' [LA Times: Company Town]

Transformers 3 DC Coverage - More Looks At Mad Max Truck [Tformers]

Hipster Harry Potter [Deviant Art: Marikaart]


Google Announces Third Quarter Financial Results [Slash Gear]

Facebook CEO Mocked Business Rivals as 'F*cking Privileged... Douchebags' [Gawker: Valleywag]

Chuck Yeager Broke the Sound Barrier 63 Years Ago Today [Motherboard]


Tweet, Tweet:

Nerdy Want:

(Angry Birds Real-Life Toy (Rovio, Price Yet To Be Announced)

Daily Dinosaur:

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